The Jacksonville Campaigns

"The Battle of Camp Milton"


C.S. – O.R.

Numbers 2. Report of Major General Patton Anderson, C. S. Army.
LAKE CITY, FLA., June 3, 1864.
Enemy, with about eight regiments of infantry, six pieces of artillery, and a battalion of cavalry, advanced from Jackson ville toward Baldwin on night of 31st May. On morning of 1st instant (June), drove our cavalry from Cedar Creek and McGirt's creek back upon Baldwin. On morning of 2nd, all our cavalry was advanced, met advanced guard of the enemy between Baldwin and McGirt's Creek, drove him back to Jacksonville. Our lines are as they were before the movements. It was probably a reconnaissance by the enemy. Our loss trifling.


JUNE 3, 1864.-Capture of U. S. gun-boat Water With in Ossabaw Sound, Ga.
Report of Major General Samuel Jones, C. S. Army.*
CHARLESTON, June 4, 1864.
(Received 2 a. m., 5th.)
Night before last the U. S. gun-boat Water Witch, of four guns, was captured after a sharp fight in Ossabaw Sound by a naval party organized by Commodore Hunter. Anderson telegraphs me that on the night of the 31st May the enemy, with about eight regiments of infantry, six pieces of artillery, and a battalion of cavalry advanced from Jacksonville, Fla., toward Baldwin, and the next morning drove our cavalry back on Baldwin.
On the morning of 2nd instant, our cavalry advance met the enemy's advance guard and drove him back to Jacksonville. Our loss slight. Our lines as they were before the movement. So far the recent attempts of the enemy in this department have been successfully met and frustrated, but if renewed with vigor, as they probably will, I need more troops. Can any depleted regiments be sent to me? No part of South Carolina Reserves yet reported for duty. Governor Brown can give me no aid, as his State troops are at General Johnston's disposal.


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